by danr | Aug 17, 2015 | Alexis Soterakis, Beer and Liquor Licensing, Queens NYC Attorneys
Queens Business Attorney Explains What is Important to Know about Business Licensing As a Queens Business Attorney, in New York City and state, there are all different types of activities that require licenses. Many of my clients as a Queens Business Attorney are...
by danr | Aug 10, 2015 | Alexis Soterakis, Beer and Liquor Licensing, Coran Ober P.C. Blog, Queens NYC Attorneys
Flushing Business Attorney explains The Different Types of Liquor Licenses When most people think of the liquor license, they think of on-premises consumption; the kind of license you would find in a bar. But there are many different categories of licenses for both...
by danr | Jul 27, 2015 | Alexis Soterakis, Beer and Liquor Licensing, Coran Ober P.C. Blog, Queens NYC Attorneys
Flushing Business Attorney Explains if Anyone Get a Liquor License in New York State Often as a Flushing Business Lawyer, clients who come seeking a liquor license are very surprised to find out there are certain restrictions on who can obtain a liquor license. So for...
by danr | Jun 15, 2015 | Beer and Liquor Licensing, Coran Ober P.C. Blog, Queens NYC Attorneys
Some of my clients inquire about the five hundred foot law, and in New York state, if you have an on-premises liquor license, there can be no more than three locations within a five hundred foot distance. So often, my clients come to be thinking that because there is...
by danr | Jun 8, 2015 | Beer and Liquor Licensing, Coran Ober P.C. Blog, Flushing NYC Lawyers
The two hundred foot law is a regulation that prohibits a liquor license from being issued to a premises that is within two hundred feet of a school, church, synagogue or other place of worship. My clients are often surprised to find out about this rule and it often...
by danr | Jan 19, 2015 | Alexis Soterakis, Beer and Liquor Licensing, Coran Ober P.C. Blog, Flushing NYC Lawyers
Many clients come to me seeking a liquor license for on-premises consumption for full liquor, so that would be the type of license that would accompany a bar or restaurant with a bar. There are many limitations on who can qualify for a liquor license, and also what...